1. Which statement expresses an idea of the Enlightenment?  a. The kin traduction - 1. Which statement expresses an idea of the Enlightenment?  a. The kin Haoussa comment dire

1. Which statement expresses an ide

1. Which statement expresses an idea of the Enlightenment?
a. The king is sacred and answers only to God.
b. History is a continuous struggle between social classes.
c. Those who are the most fit will survive and succeed.
d. All individuals have natural rights.

2. One contribution that John Locke made to Enlightenment philosophy was the idea that
a. absolute monarchies should continue
b. the punishment should fit the crime
c. individual rights should be denied
d. governments should be based on the consent of the people
3. According to John Locke, the chief role of government was to
a. protect natural rights b. fight territorial wars
c. ensure the wealth of citizens d. redistribute land 107-18

4. Base your answer to the following question on the statements below and on your knowledge of social studies.
“. . . The Laws ought to be so framed, as to secure the Safety of every
Citizen as much as possible. . . . The Equality of the Citizens consists in
this; that they should all be subject to the same Laws. . . .”
— Documents of Catherine the Great, W.F.Reddaway, ed.

These ideas of Catherine the Great of Russia originated during the
a. Age of Exploration b. Age of Enlightenment
c. Protestant Reformation d. French Rev.

5. Locke’s Two Treatises of Government, Rousseau’s The Social Contract, and Montesquieu’s The Spirit of the Laws were works written during which time period?
a. Middle Ages b. Renaissance c. Enlightenment d. Reformation

6. One similarity in the rule of Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan, and Catherine the Great is that each leader
a. required the use of Latin throughout the empire
b. engaged in territorial expansion
c. introduced the use of gunpowder in warfare
d. encouraged the spread of independence movements

7. Which period of history had the greatest influence on the Enlightenment ideas of natural law and reason?
a. Pax Romana b. Middle Ages c. Age of Exploration d. Scientific Rev.

8. The Enlightenment and the American Revolution were both major influences on 19th century uprisings in
a. Latin America b. the Middle East c. Vietnam d. Japan

9. “. . . Finally, gather together all that we have said, so great and so august
[important], about royal authority. You have seen a great nation united under
one man: you have seen his sacred power, paternal and absolute: you have seen that secret reason which directs the body politic, enclosed in one head: you have seen the image of God in kings, and you will have the idea of majesty of kingship. God is holiness itself, goodness itself, power itself, reason itself. In these things consists the divine majesty. In their reflection consists the majesty of the prince. ..” — Jacques-Benigne Bossuet

Which concept is associated with this quotation?
a. direct democracy b. imperialism c. socialism d. divine right

10. Which individual most likely opposed the form of government described in this quotation?
a. Ivan the Terrible b. Thomas Hobbes c. John Locke d. Louis XIV

11. Philosophers of the Enlightenment period believed that society could best be improved by
a. relying on faith and divine right
b. borrowing ideas from ancient Greece and Rome
c. applying reason and the laws of nature
d. studying the practices of successful leaders Cities of 100,000 to 300,000 people

12. Which idea became a central belief of the Enlightenment?
a. The use of reason would lead to human progress.
b. Mathematics could be used to solve all human problems.
c. The ancient Romans had the best form of government.
d. People should give up their natural rights to their rulers.

13. One way in which Alexander II, Catherine the Great, and Boris Yeltsin played similar roles in Russian history was that they
a. led communist revolutions b. encouraged reforms
c. were subjects of Stalinist purges d. supported territorial expansion

14. The ideas of Rousseau, Voltaire, and Montesquieu most influenced
a. the growing power of priests in the Roman Catholic Church
b. improvements in the working conditions of factory workers
c. the rise of industrial capitalism d. movements for political reform
De: -
Vers: -
Résultats (Haoussa) 1: [Copie]
1. Wanne sanarwa nuna wani ra'ayi na haske?
Th. Sarki ne alfarma da amsoshi amma ga Allah.
B. Tarihi ne mai ci gaba da gwagwarmaya tsakanin zamantakewa azuzuwan.
C. Waɗanda suke The Most Fit za su tsira, kuma su cin nasara.
D. Dukan mutane suna da halitta Adam.

2. Daya taimako Wannan John Locke yi haske falsafar yana da ra'ayin cewa
's. cikakken monarchies kamata ci gaba
b. azãba kamata shige da laifi
c. 'yancin kowane mutum ya kamata a hana
d. Gwamnatoci ya kamata a dogara ne a kan yarda daga Mutãnen
3. A cewar John Locke, manyan rawar da gwamnati ya
th. kare halitta yancin b. yaki yankin wars
c. tabbatar da dukiyar jama'a d. redistribute ƙasar 107-18

4. Tushe your amsar wadannan tambaya a kan Jawabin kasa, kuma a kan ilmi na zamantakewa da karatu.
". . . The Laws kamata a haka firam, kamar yadda ya amince da Safety kowane
Citizen kamar yadda zai yiwu. . . . The Daidaitan da Jama'a kunshi a
wannan. Wannan Ili ya kamata dukan zama batun da wannan Laws. . . . "
- Takardu na Catherine Babba, WFReddaway, ed.

Wadannan ra'ayoyi na Catherine Babba na Rasha ya samo asali lokacin
World. Age na bincike b. Age mai haske
c. Protestant canji d. Faransa Rev.

5. Locke ta Biyu Treatises Gwamnati, Rousseau ta The Social kwangila, da kuma Montesquieu ta Ruhun dokoki an ayyukan Written lokacin da lokacin da zamani?
A. Middle Ages b. Renaissance c. Haske d. Canji

6. Daya kama a mulkin Julius Kaisar, Genghis Khan, da kuma Catherine Babba Wannan Kowane shugaban
's. da ake bukata da amfani da Latin a ko'ina cikin daular
b. tsunduma a yankin fadada
c. gabatar da yin amfani da Gunpowder a yaƙi
d. karfafa yaduwar 'yancin kai Yunkuri

7. Wanne tsawon tarihi yana da mafi girma da tasiri a kan haske ideas na halitta doka, kuma dalili?
A. Pax Romana b. Middle Ages c. Age na bincike d. Scientific Rev.

8. The haske da American juyin juya halin dukansu manyan Tasirin 19th karni yunkuri a
th. Latin America b. Gabas ta Tsakiya c. Vietnam d. Japan

9. ". . . A karshe, tattaro duk abin da muka ce, don haka mai girma da kuma don haka Agusta
[muhimmanci, game da sarauta iko. Za ka gani a babbar al'umma sõyayya a karkashin
mutum guda: ka gani da alfarma iko, uba da cikakkar: ka gani Wannan m dalilin Wanne fuskantar da jiki kuwa kasar, a kewaye a daya kai, ka ga siffar Allah, Allah a cikin sarakuna, da kuma za ka sami ra'ayin sarki da sarauta. Allah shi ne tsarki da kanta, Nagarta da kanta, ikon kanta, dalilin da kanta. A cikin wadannan abubuwa kunshi allahntaka sarki. A Su gani kunshi girman sarkin. .. "- Jacques-Bénigne Bossuet

Wanne ra'ayi ake dangantawa da wannan zance?
Th. Direct Democracy b. Mallaka c. gurguzanci d. allahntaka dama

10. Wanne mutum Mafi m tsayayya da tsari na gwamnati aka bayyana a cikin wannan zance?
Th. Ivan da Munin b. Thomas Hobbes c. John Locke d. Louis XIV

11. Falsafa na haske zamani yi imani da cewa al'umma zai fi a iya inganta da
a. dogaro bangaskiya da kuma allahntaka dama
b. aron ideas daga zamanin d Girka da Roma
c. da ake ji dalili da kuma dokokin halitta
d. nazarin ayyuka na Nasara shugabannin Cities 100,000 zuwa 300,000 mutane

12. Wanne ra'ayin zama tsakiya imani na haske?
Th. Yin amfani da dalilin da zai kai ga mutum ci gaba.
B. Lissafi za a iya amfani da su warware duk mutum matsaloli.
C. The tsoho Romawa da mafi kyau nau'i na gwamnati.
D. Mutane ya kamata ba up Su halitta Adam zuwa ga shugabanni.

13. Daya hanyar da Alexander II, Catherine Mai girma, da kuma Boris Yeltsin taka irin wannan Matsayin ayyuka a Rasha tarihi shi ne cewa Ili
th. LED kwaminis juyin b. taimaka wa sake fasalin
c. Kasance batutuwan Stalinist purges d. goyan yankin fadada

14. The ideas na Rousseau, Voltaire, kuma Montesquieu Mai rinjayi
th. girma ikon firistoci a cikin Roman Catholic Church
b. Ingantawa da aiki yanayin factory ma'aikata
c. Yunƙurin na masana'antu jari hujja d. Yunkuri siyasa garambawul
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